Monday, November 18, 2013

Hello and Welcome

Hello and welcome to my very first post! I started this blog as a way to share my projects on my house, that we are currently remodeling ourselves. 

A little about my background, I have been married for 6 yrs., I have two children - a daughter 29 and  son - 24. I am a grandmother to a girl - 7 and a boy - 6 months. I am a retired/disabled nurse. I had to leave my beloved profession as a result of several botched knee replacement surgeries and a long history of fibromyalgia. Enough about that.  We recently started remodeling our home on the cheap, (because we are now down to one income) So, this is where my blog comes in. I have always had the passion to use power tools and love to refinish furniture. I will show you that you don't need a lot of $$$ to make repairs, and update your home. I will also share other things like gardening, Chalk painting with my chalk paint recipe (it's way cheaper and I think better, than the pricey ones on the market), refinishing furniture, updating kitchen cabinets, natural home made cleaning products that actually work better than store bought unhealthy cleaners,  i'll share my homemade laundry soap (yes you can use in a HE washer) and dishwasher detergent, cooking, crafts, and even decorating on the cheap. If you love Vintage and Farmhouse you've come to the right place! 

I hope you'll sit back and stay awhile
